Cynthia's blog. ♥
Sunday, April 24, 2011
14 feb started my job,, its been 2mths plus since ii started workin full tyms. so far stil okays. :) so nw *E*** is transfer to ion. 我不喜欢. was blowin a blowset todaes and he complaint to kenny that the waes ii blow is makin the client feel bored. -_-''' ARGHS. you're so kpo. can't ii dun tok and concentrate in the blowin.? fcuk . _|_ .
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
was playin iphone game at pantry this aftnoon, william caught me for playin game. :( ii tot he did't saw it, but he did. the feelin was so not gud to get caught. nearly nearly nearly nearly bust out into tears but lucky ii did't. lyk wad judy sae he is jus remindin me and not scold me. yes, remindin me. :) CynthiaLeow next tyms cannot lyk this le.
ii realise ii dun lyk ppl to complaint abt me for nothin during work.
and dislike the feelin of bein caught in sth ii did wrong during work.
the feelin is lyk ii left a bad memories,,
a bad impression in their mind. :(
hate it, hate it , Hate It, HATE IT. :(
ii realise ii dun lyk ppl to complaint abt me for nothin during work.
and dislike the feelin of bein caught in sth ii did wrong during work.
the feelin is lyk ii left a bad memories,,
a bad impression in their mind. :(
hate it, hate it , Hate It, HATE IT. :(
Sunday, January 2, 2011
its been so fast, 2010 ended and 2011 arrive.
2yrs of studyin course in ITE ended also, soon steppin out the reality world of workin.
work->end work->go home->work->end work->go home. but that's a gud thin. :) the earlier you step out the mre thin you learn. :)
this yrs 2011 ,,
mus work real hard ,, for money and future. :)
give my family members gud life.woOts. (hopefully :p)
overseas this yrs to taiwan and mayb hongkong. :)
its been so fast, 2010 ended and 2011 arrive.
2yrs of studyin course in ITE ended also, soon steppin out the reality world of workin.
work->end work->go home->work->end work->go home. but that's a gud thin. :) the earlier you step out the mre thin you learn. :)
this yrs 2011 ,,
mus work real hard ,, for money and future. :)
give my family members gud life.woOts. (hopefully :p)
overseas this yrs to taiwan and mayb hongkong. :)
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Industry Attachment.
320hrs of attachment start on 1 nov,, its the 28th of nov now. 320hrs sae long not long, sae short not short. my hrs goin to reac soon. workin at the salon its fun especially at NEXT Orchard Ion. wahahas. there's great and awesome ppl ther. got 哥哥 and 老爸 and mani mre. ii enjoy myself ther most importantly is that wad ii hav learn ther. stayin ther or not is stil a question to me,, cos ii havn got answer for myself. :|
320hrs of attachment start on 1 nov,, its the 28th of nov now. 320hrs sae long not long, sae short not short. my hrs goin to reac soon. workin at the salon its fun especially at NEXT Orchard Ion. wahahas. there's great and awesome ppl ther. got 哥哥 and 老爸 and mani mre. ii enjoy myself ther most importantly is that wad ii hav learn ther. stayin ther or not is stil a question to me,, cos ii havn got answer for myself. :|
Saturday, October 16, 2010
16/10/2010 . FINALLY. :)

wads so special.? cos RAINIE YANG 杨丞琳 have her concert at sg indoor stadium. ii went jus nw. :) yupp ii went alone, saw number of ppl went alone also. :) 杨丞琳 is mad chio. :) reli. awesome, awesome concert also. not regrettin goin alone also. :) once in life. :) the whole show is high. :) did't took anii fotos, cos camera die on me. :( onli rely on my fone camera to take video :( not veri gud quality but stil okays. :) ii enjoy myself tonight. :) mayb ii did't express out, but ii reli enjoy. :) and comes to here, mayb its jus a concert, but you can see the another side of ppl who's willin to accompany you and who's not. :) ONCE AGAIN. THE CONCERT IS NICE. :) ONCE IN LIFE. :) MY FIRST CONCERT II WENT, 杨丞琳 异想天开. :)
wads so special.? cos RAINIE YANG 杨丞琳 have her concert at sg indoor stadium. ii went jus nw. :) yupp ii went alone, saw number of ppl went alone also. :) 杨丞琳 is mad chio. :) reli. awesome, awesome concert also. not regrettin goin alone also. :) once in life. :) the whole show is high. :) did't took anii fotos, cos camera die on me. :( onli rely on my fone camera to take video :( not veri gud quality but stil okays. :) ii enjoy myself tonight. :) mayb ii did't express out, but ii reli enjoy. :) and comes to here, mayb its jus a concert, but you can see the another side of ppl who's willin to accompany you and who's not. :) ONCE AGAIN. THE CONCERT IS NICE. :) ONCE IN LIFE. :) MY FIRST CONCERT II WENT, 杨丞琳 异想天开. :)
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
its October nw. 10mre daes to Raine concert, 24daes to my big daes. :)
ii wana watch Piranha (3D) abt the fish wil eat human and The Child's Eye 童眼 (3D) cos got rainie. hahahahas. scare to watch also. :) aniiwaes, hav been workin since holidaes and during my off daes ii went to mit my lovely classmate and ms ang to buy hair wig and accessories for hair show . :) ytd daniel, huiyu, i and ms ang we went pastamania eat and we chat for fews hrs. :) funni topic also. :) SECRET* SSSSSHHHHHH. :) wahahahas.
aniiwaes, my dear frens ii noe you wil see this. :)
For you.
pls take extra care of yourself nw, eat and drink mre healthy, smoke less.
slp early dun keep overnight le. ii'm here for you. :) loves. :)
ii wana watch Piranha (3D) abt the fish wil eat human and The Child's Eye 童眼 (3D) cos got rainie. hahahahas. scare to watch also. :) aniiwaes, hav been workin since holidaes and during my off daes ii went to mit my lovely classmate and ms ang to buy hair wig and accessories for hair show . :) ytd daniel, huiyu, i and ms ang we went pastamania eat and we chat for fews hrs. :) funni topic also. :) SECRET* SSSSSHHHHHH. :) wahahahas.
aniiwaes, my dear frens ii noe you wil see this. :)
For you.
pls take extra care of yourself nw, eat and drink mre healthy, smoke less.
slp early dun keep overnight le. ii'm here for you. :) loves. :)
Thursday, September 23, 2010
copy this frm my twitter " following " whic ii find it quite meaningful/true to me.
Hate to have odd number of bbf.
It's will never work out. Eventually, one will always be/felt left out. Yuck!
So many friends for what? Not even one appreciate you. No point what
soon 2weeks of my school holidaes coming, most of my frens are busy, accompany bf, workin, school attachment, oversea trip with school, workin part-tyms. and ii'm being left alone. :( 好寂寞. this holidaes ii mus work hard for work and money. :) JIAYOU. 加油。:) life is lyk this, 苦后才甜 or 现甜后苦。its the same logic. :) 加油吧朋友们。 :)
Hate to have odd number of bbf.
It's will never work out. Eventually, one will always be/felt left out. Yuck!
So many friends for what? Not even one appreciate you. No point what
soon 2weeks of my school holidaes coming, most of my frens are busy, accompany bf, workin, school attachment, oversea trip with school, workin part-tyms. and ii'm being left alone. :( 好寂寞. this holidaes ii mus work hard for work and money. :) JIAYOU. 加油。:) life is lyk this, 苦后才甜 or 现甜后苦。its the same logic. :) 加油吧朋友们。 :)
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