work and went compass with eric aft work, kfc for dinner. :) home aft that. tot of goin zirca, end up nv go. wahas. :)
Saturday, February 27, 2010
` yup. :) its me again. wahas. :)
work and aft work, as usual dinner with eric. wo0ts. :) home aft that. :)
Friday, February 26, 2010
todaes lesson, PE and HPM practical. butbut, Hpm was cancel for 2weeks last week and todaes, whic mean todaes we dun nid to go sch. wo0ts. slp til 1plus then wake up. chg blog skin and pic todaes. :) wo0ts. gotta go slp nw. work tml. :) byebye. :)
Thursday, February 25, 2010
有时候我想...... 靠别人, 不如靠自己。:)
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
arghx. busy busy busy busy & stil busy busy. dun hav tyms to blog. wil blog soon. :) end my post with this pic first. :) my cute lovely cousin. :)
` CNY 初四 . :)
Monday, February 22, 2010
OMG~ having diarrhoea and vomit the whole mornin and aftnoon, when to see doctor and feelin better during night, ytd went to eat with aunt and colleague total 12persons and ii tink i'm the onli one havin this illness the next daes. :( OMG~ :(
Thursday, February 18, 2010
初五 ` ii lyk this fotos, lyk the effect. :)
went sch as per normal, mit daniel at dhoby ghaut went watch Valentine's Day with them and jianping. :) went home aft the movie while they continue their lunch and 2nd movie. :) waited for mum and we went 二舅 house for reunion dinner. :) yummy yummy. went home around 11plus 12am. :)
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
` while waitin for bus to uncle hse. :) ` so hot there. :/ ` the 2 kids look so cute. :) ` snap shot by cousin. :) wahas. ` so cute. :) loves him. wahas. :)
went aunt hse in the late aftnoon tgt with eric and michelle, had dinner ther, 6plus, left tgt with eric and michelle and ii went 三舅 house for another dinner. wahas.
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
` its a pant, dunno why take pic look lyk, skirt with legging. hahas. :) ` stud heels. :) ` Arghx. ahahahas. DKNY Green Apple. :)
went over to 大舅 hse for dinner around 7plus, consider we're the last one that reac. and you noe when you're the last one to reac you can't expect delicious food and also can't expect nice and yummy food to be right infront of you for you to eat them up. and tadah, we did't get to eat yummy food. hahas. but a bowl of shark fin was placed infront of everyone even if you're the last one. wahahs. and everyone start to gamble, and i'm also one of them that gamble. wahas. :) win in the first few rounds butbut, lose at the last few rounds. :( stopped playin and watch tv 9pm show 游戏人生. went home around 10plus. :)
Monday, February 15, 2010
` outfit for 初二。:) ` hahas. take a look closer. :) ` waitin for everybody to get prepare. :)
wo0ts. its the second daes of the newyrs. 小舅 came to fetch us todaes, but before we head to 大姨 hse for lunch, 小舅 let us waited for him, and when he reac ii tot we wil be headin to 大姨 hse straight but nono, 小舅 went over to toa payoh to settle sth and we dunno til we reac tpy, we then head to 大姨家. :) alright, todaes went to 3places, the 3rd place was fish farm, the place wher everyones wil start to gamble no matter kids or adult or the elderly and also including me. hahas. opps opps. :) gamble til 2plus and 姨丈 drive us home. :)