Huiying, Chelzia and mine.! :)
Huiying bought wad ii bought that tyms.
so ii chg new Fav.
Dairy Milk Clinkers. :)
Yummy. :)
Sweet that share with Chelzia. :)
Smile. :)
Ohhs. Bored.
Stil waitin fer her to cum.
While waitin fer Huiying to cum. :)
Before goin out. :)
Did't went sch todaes. cos ther is a celebration at sch. hahas. wake up around 9plus, prepare and went dwn eat with Mama then mit Chelzia at mall to do Pedicure. NOT NICE LOR. FCUKIN REGRET LOR. II STIL PREFER THE FIRST ONE AT NAIL PALACE. AAAAHHHH. DAMN IT. aft doin finish, went bk home to take money, chelzia accompany me. then train-ed to Vivo. mit Huiying at vivo. bcos we're goin to get Peiying Bdaes present. it on the 18/8/08 but we todaes jiu go buy le. ii bought one Shirt fer her. dunno she wil lyk it ma. hope she lyk it bahx. Huiying and Puiying de present al $20+ . Chelzia. Sorri la, ur bdaes did't get u aniithin, cos we went out celeb. Sorri.! :) :D aft buyin peiying thin we went to hav Burger King, then went work le. ohhs ya, we three bought Chocolate too. :) and oso at my hse here bought sweet share with chelzia too. aft workin, went to mit Kehui and Huting at the new 7-11 at kehui hse ther, then slack at 686 saw Farid { Our old pal. hahas. Our pri sch frens. He chg.! hahas :) } chatted with him quite awhile then he went off le, left we 3 slack ther til 12am then went 7-11, intend to buy thin and eat but end up nv le, so we accompany kehui to wait fer Denson to cum, then accompany huiting pack food, and we walked home tgt, and kehui is with Denson. That al fer the daes le. It 3.05am nw. Byebye. goin bath nw. :)
` The biggest challenge in life,
is to find someone hu
can accept u fer hu u're.!
This is wad Farid Gf sae to him,
when she ask him,
wad's the biggest challenge in life.?
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