Piic not ver clear.
Huiting and Me. :D :)
Chinese paper todaes. hahas. aft exam hav normal lesson til 1.10pm then headed bk home le. 4pm+ went out. mit Huiting first then bus-ed to mit Kehui. slack awhile then kehui Bf came and fetch us, went to huiting Bf hse dwn stair to wait fer him. then head to kehui Bf hse, 7pm+ went Serangoon Central ther. dunno correct not, cos ii dunno the place name. went ther to collect CPU then went bk kehui Bf hse again. OH GOSH. Huiting and her Bf got a fight. and she went out of the hse. ii got a hard tyms holdin her bk. then went Hougang ave 4 Mac to hav dinner then spin around IMH then Punggol End to hav some fresh air, ppl was at ther fishin, ii suddenly heard the fish rod got bell sound, tot it was one of my classmate TX, but it was not. hahas. :) then went Punggol Marina. then refil pertrol, send huiting home then follow by me. :) that al fer the daes. Tml havin EOA exam. :)
` 笑也是一天,哭也是一天,
Hees. :)
` ii love my frens. :)
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