Mit up with Kehui, Huiting and her Bf. we went Hougang ave 4 ther de NTUC to buy food. cos we're goin Huiting hse fer Steamboat. Yummi. Each person onli pay $5 . hahas. better then you go Bugis ther eat $18 lei. ii help u al save $13 lei. hahas. buy everythin around $19+ goin $20 刚刚好. hahas. 5plus everthin was ready can eat le. Tom Yam soup wors. we eat til 6plus. 1hrs plus lei. hahas. reli eat til damm full. hahas. we watch 梁婆婆 and 梁婆婆重出江湖 whic ii ask kehui to brin over to huiting hse and watch de. but onli watch 梁婆婆重出江湖 til half waes nia, then we went dwn to huiting hse dwn stair to slack fer awhile, then went bk Huiting hse. awhile mre me & kehui went dwn find huiting, cos she is with her cousin. not long jiu went bk her hse le. they play majoh at 11plus in the night. Cos huiting neighbour oso playin Majoh and we oso veri boring. 12plus kehui left cos her bf cum fetch her, so ii hlp her continue her majoh. ii dunno how to play. play finish we jiu keep the majoh le. Huiting cook Tom Yam soup fer her cousin & her cousin gf. aft that stay at huiting hse til 3am plus ii jiu went home le, if ii not wrong. That al fer the daes. Byebye. :)
ii receive my early Birthdaes gift todaes. :)
ii did a big mistake.?
Hav ii.?
come out play izzit lyk this de.?
ii felt guilty when ii saw her.
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Monday, September 29, 2008
pack food fer Chelzia and oso fer myself first, then went chelzia hse. to study Math, cos todaes is Math Paper 1. 10plus goin 11am leave her hse, went sch to study. 2pm exam start. 1 & an a half hrs bahx, if ii not wrong. The exam so difficult. aft that headed bk home. mit up with Kehui & Huiting if ii not wrong. hahas. That al fer the daes. Byebye. :)
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Before goin out. :)
Bryan. :)
Hahas. :)
Peishan. :)
She veri pretty hors. :)
Huan Da. :)
whose hand sia. Extra. -_-'''
XiaoLing. :)
went work then headed to Shuling Birthdaes Chalat at Downtown east. hahas. again get to noe some ppl ther. :) 1plus cabbed home. :)
ii'm so blur.
Me : Huh.?
wad is F1.? Huan Da { ahbee & sL frens. } : F1 mean Keyboard that F1.
Friday, September 26, 2008
On the waes to Pasir ris. :)

BACARDI Pure. :)
BACARDI with RED-BUll. :)

Mit up with Kehui, Huiting & Robin. went Pasir ris. Robin left at around 5plus. Saw Daphanie & Huimin late in the night. took last bus 89 bk Hougang mall, cab home with Kehui & Huiting. That al fer the daes.
` ii get to noe new frens. :)
` Happi Birthdaes Yutaro. :)
BACARDI Pure. :)
BACARDI with RED-BUll. :)
Mit up with Kehui, Huiting & Robin. went Pasir ris. Robin left at around 5plus. Saw Daphanie & Huimin late in the night. took last bus 89 bk Hougang mall, cab home with Kehui & Huiting. That al fer the daes.
` ii get to noe new frens. :)
` Happi Birthdaes Yutaro. :)
On cab, on the waes to Far East. :)

Chelzia & Cynthia. :)

Aint she look cute in this pic.?
Dun fly hors, when u see this. :)

Hohos. HuiLi & Cynthia. :)

HuiLi & Cynthia. :)

yeah. My pal. :)

o.0 ii force her.?
Nopes. u see her smile so happily. :)
I Love Her La. :)

yeah. ^.^v

Cynthia & Huiying. :)

Cynthia. :)
My nail. :)

HuiLi & Cynthia. :)

Did't go sch todaes again. wake up at 9.30am quite late le, cos mitin Huiying & Chelzia to go Far east to make our nail. cos we're model. Todaes is the exam, but ii wake up so late. 10.30am exam start le. so we cab dwn to Far east, they fetch me at my hse bustop here. :) HuiLi cum along too bcos she is oso model. :) Huiying aunt treat us NaNa Restaurant Pte Ltd again fer lunch. Yummy. Thanks you. :) aft we did everythin was abt 4plus le. ii bought a Perfume at Far east. $24 . aft that head to Wisma, shop awhile then went Taka to hav our dinner. had KFC ther. :) was abt 6plus le. finish eatin, went toilet, took some foto with them oso. :) aft that went AMK Hub. :) played arcade & ii bought a HelloKitty wallet ther. :) $10 . lyk it veri much. :) hees. then everybodi decided to go home. :) so took bus bk, but ii went to mit Kehui & Huiting, at huiting hse dwn stair slack with them til 12am. jiu go home le. :) 开心的一天。hees. :) That al fer the daes. Byebye. :)
` ii text-ed Huiying cousin Ah hao. hees. :)
` & ii noe a guy Ah lun frm HuiLi. hees. :)
Chelzia & Cynthia. :)
Aint she look cute in this pic.?
Dun fly hors, when u see this. :)
Hohos. HuiLi & Cynthia. :)
HuiLi & Cynthia. :)
yeah. My pal. :)
o.0 ii force her.?
Nopes. u see her smile so happily. :)
I Love Her La. :)
yeah. ^.^v
Cynthia & Huiying. :)
Cynthia. :)
My nail. :)
HuiLi & Cynthia. :)
Did't go sch todaes again. wake up at 9.30am quite late le, cos mitin Huiying & Chelzia to go Far east to make our nail. cos we're model. Todaes is the exam, but ii wake up so late. 10.30am exam start le. so we cab dwn to Far east, they fetch me at my hse bustop here. :) HuiLi cum along too bcos she is oso model. :) Huiying aunt treat us NaNa Restaurant Pte Ltd again fer lunch. Yummy. Thanks you. :) aft we did everythin was abt 4plus le. ii bought a Perfume at Far east. $24 . aft that head to Wisma, shop awhile then went Taka to hav our dinner. had KFC ther. :) was abt 6plus le. finish eatin, went toilet, took some foto with them oso. :) aft that went AMK Hub. :) played arcade & ii bought a HelloKitty wallet ther. :) $10 . lyk it veri much. :) hees. then everybodi decided to go home. :) so took bus bk, but ii went to mit Kehui & Huiting, at huiting hse dwn stair slack with them til 12am. jiu go home le. :) 开心的一天。hees. :) That al fer the daes. Byebye. :)
` ii text-ed Huiying cousin Ah hao. hees. :)
` & ii noe a guy Ah lun frm HuiLi. hees. :)
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Did't went to sch todaes. actually wanted to go de, but can't wake up. hahas. stay at home the whole daes. 3G-ed Huiying & Chelzia at night. hahas. 8plus went dwn stair buy thin. Called Huiting up to wish her, cos todaes is her birthdaes. :) That al fer the daes. Byebye. :)
` Happi 18 Birthdaes Huiting. :)
Can watch M18 liao lei.
wahahas. :)
` Happi 18 Birthdaes Huiting. :)
Can watch M18 liao lei.
wahahas. :)
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
went sch, aft sch went AMK Hub with Chelzia & Huiying to watch Boys Over Flowers The Movie. Quite nice. :) but veri cold inside. is cold dao. . . . 是冷到。。。。 ii dunno how to sae. hahas. :) aft movie headed bk home. :) That al fer the daes. Byebye. :)
` N lvl math exam is around the corner.
aniibody wana be my tuitor fer few daes.? xD
` QUEENIE. Cheer up. 看开一点.。
I'm here. :)
` N lvl math exam is around the corner.
aniibody wana be my tuitor fer few daes.? xD
` QUEENIE. Cheer up. 看开一点.。
I'm here. :)
Monday, September 22, 2008
Huiying, Cynthia. :)

nice. :)

Huiying, Cynthia.

went sch and headed bk home. :) prepare and bath. mit up with Huiying at work place. cos she wana reborn her finge. :) aft that went Huiying hse. 6plus pei huiying go withdraw money at work place ther again. went bk her hse, stay at her hse til 8plus, then huiying de korkor, Ah hao korkor rode { Fetch } me home, with Motor Bike. AAAAHHHH. This is the first tyms ii hop on the Bike. FUNFUNFUNFUN. :) but scary at first. he ask me dun scared, jus relax. hahas. cos ii hold on his shirt til veri tight. cos ii tot ii might die. wahahas. Happi. :) That al fer the daes. Byebye. :)
` First tyms take Motor Bike. :)
` Motor Bike was FUN. :)
` But scary at first. :)
` Happi. :)

nice. :)

Huiying, Cynthia.

went sch and headed bk home. :) prepare and bath. mit up with Huiying at work place. cos she wana reborn her finge. :) aft that went Huiying hse. 6plus pei huiying go withdraw money at work place ther again. went bk her hse, stay at her hse til 8plus, then huiying de korkor, Ah hao korkor rode { Fetch } me home, with Motor Bike. AAAAHHHH. This is the first tyms ii hop on the Bike. FUNFUNFUNFUN. :) but scary at first. he ask me dun scared, jus relax. hahas. cos ii hold on his shirt til veri tight. cos ii tot ii might die. wahahas. Happi. :) That al fer the daes. Byebye. :)
` First tyms take Motor Bike. :)
` Motor Bike was FUN. :)
` But scary at first. :)
` Happi. :)
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Nana Thai Restaurant Pte Ltd. :)

The first ring with Junting.
mine was being thrown into the drain,
his was being thrown at the bus. look veri a lyk.
Dunno why stil can find it at Far east one of the shop.
but our wan got engraving.

My nail. :)

Did't go sch todaes. wake up at 11plus. at first tot goin mit Chelzia cos pei her go Orchard fer her nail, as Huiying hit her head ytd, so she ask me pei chelzia go. but end up she pei chelzia go & ask me whether wan go tgt. so jiu go tgt lor. :) Had Hainan Chicken rice when we reac Far east. Huiying aunt treat. 5 person jiu $33 le. xpensive. then they go make their nail, cos huiying aunt got nail exam, & chelzia is her model, huiying is othe ppl model. todaes is their exam. the exam room cannt hav outsider, so ii hav to leave the room fer 1 & a half hrs. was sit alone, chattin with QUEENIE on the fone, then decided to walk around. then half waes went wisma find Shuling Jiejie. :) lucky she at the work, if not ii wil be alone fer that 1 & a half hrs. went bk Far east to look fer them, when they're done. the person hu hlp huiying make her nail, oso use my hand fer trainin. aft eveythin was abt 6plus le. we went Nana Thai Restaurant Pte Ltd to hav dinner. Yummy. was nice. huiying aunt treat again. Btw, huiying aunt even ask me go Subway to hav a coffee while waitin fer them to be done fer the exam, but ii did't go. :) aft the dinner huiying aunt left first. then the 3 of us walk around. bought hand fone accessory with huiying & chelzia, and oso bought our ring le. :) hees. huiying found a ring whic is veri familar, she let me see, It was me & Junting the first ring. mine was being throw on the drain, his wan was being throw at the bus. look veri a lyk. but our wan got engraving. :) then me & huiying bought shoe tgt. :) walk a few around, then send chelzia to MRT. huiying send chelzia into the train, then wait fer her to cum up find me, then we went Wisma, went Cotton on first, so mani ppl. cos got 50% ma. hahas. huiying accidentally knock on to a lady. she sae Sorri le, but the lady stil sae Barbi to her, stare at huiying too, that lady bf oso stare at her. huiying veri dulan. when we went off, huiying knock her mre harder. the lady kisiao liao. ii was stil at behind. the lady sae, Book-ki-mang-kiao, u purposely wan ar. then ii jiu walk out go find huiying. then the lady cum out frm the shop and shout, Eh, u not happi cum la. huiying jiu ask me quickly run le, we run al the waes til Cine, but got stop and walk la. dunno whether the lady got chase us not. when huiying ask me run, we jiu quickly run le, we took the escalator up, huiying fall on the escalator. dunno why huiying took the escalator dwn again. ii tot she wana go toilet, she sae go toilet cmf the lady can find dao us de. That lady ii tink she is lyk a maid, cos her voice. but her dressin, dun look lyk one. mayb bcos her guy bao { 包 } her bahx. that why she look rich. :) shop around cine, Havanas got promotion, buy 3 get 1 free. cos me, huiying & chelzia wanted to buy Havanas foot wear. but we onli got 3 person, huiying told the person, then the free one, u take lor. the person workin ther keep laughin. make me wan laugh oso. hahas. then went The Center Point, to shop around, huiying bu xiao xin make until her figure got manicure de, got abit of blood too. aft that we decided to go home. huiying bought a dress at Somerset MRT Station. then jiu took train til Douby ghaut, then to Hougang, bus-ed home aft that. That al fer the daes. Byebye. :)
Chelzia told us at sch she ask Waikian wad he scared the most.
he sae dun hav.
Benny suddenly cum beside waikian and sae,
I most scared de is Huiying.
wahahas. :)
The first ring with Junting.
mine was being thrown into the drain,
his was being thrown at the bus. look veri a lyk.
Dunno why stil can find it at Far east one of the shop.
but our wan got engraving.
My nail. :)
Did't go sch todaes. wake up at 11plus. at first tot goin mit Chelzia cos pei her go Orchard fer her nail, as Huiying hit her head ytd, so she ask me pei chelzia go. but end up she pei chelzia go & ask me whether wan go tgt. so jiu go tgt lor. :) Had Hainan Chicken rice when we reac Far east. Huiying aunt treat. 5 person jiu $33 le. xpensive. then they go make their nail, cos huiying aunt got nail exam, & chelzia is her model, huiying is othe ppl model. todaes is their exam. the exam room cannt hav outsider, so ii hav to leave the room fer 1 & a half hrs. was sit alone, chattin with QUEENIE on the fone, then decided to walk around. then half waes went wisma find Shuling Jiejie. :) lucky she at the work, if not ii wil be alone fer that 1 & a half hrs. went bk Far east to look fer them, when they're done. the person hu hlp huiying make her nail, oso use my hand fer trainin. aft eveythin was abt 6plus le. we went Nana Thai Restaurant Pte Ltd to hav dinner. Yummy. was nice. huiying aunt treat again. Btw, huiying aunt even ask me go Subway to hav a coffee while waitin fer them to be done fer the exam, but ii did't go. :) aft the dinner huiying aunt left first. then the 3 of us walk around. bought hand fone accessory with huiying & chelzia, and oso bought our ring le. :) hees. huiying found a ring whic is veri familar, she let me see, It was me & Junting the first ring. mine was being throw on the drain, his wan was being throw at the bus. look veri a lyk. but our wan got engraving. :) then me & huiying bought shoe tgt. :) walk a few around, then send chelzia to MRT. huiying send chelzia into the train, then wait fer her to cum up find me, then we went Wisma, went Cotton on first, so mani ppl. cos got 50% ma. hahas. huiying accidentally knock on to a lady. she sae Sorri le, but the lady stil sae Barbi to her, stare at huiying too, that lady bf oso stare at her. huiying veri dulan. when we went off, huiying knock her mre harder. the lady kisiao liao. ii was stil at behind. the lady sae, Book-ki-mang-kiao, u purposely wan ar. then ii jiu walk out go find huiying. then the lady cum out frm the shop and shout, Eh, u not happi cum la. huiying jiu ask me quickly run le, we run al the waes til Cine, but got stop and walk la. dunno whether the lady got chase us not. when huiying ask me run, we jiu quickly run le, we took the escalator up, huiying fall on the escalator. dunno why huiying took the escalator dwn again. ii tot she wana go toilet, she sae go toilet cmf the lady can find dao us de. That lady ii tink she is lyk a maid, cos her voice. but her dressin, dun look lyk one. mayb bcos her guy bao { 包 } her bahx. that why she look rich. :) shop around cine, Havanas got promotion, buy 3 get 1 free. cos me, huiying & chelzia wanted to buy Havanas foot wear. but we onli got 3 person, huiying told the person, then the free one, u take lor. the person workin ther keep laughin. make me wan laugh oso. hahas. then went The Center Point, to shop around, huiying bu xiao xin make until her figure got manicure de, got abit of blood too. aft that we decided to go home. huiying bought a dress at Somerset MRT Station. then jiu took train til Douby ghaut, then to Hougang, bus-ed home aft that. That al fer the daes. Byebye. :)
Chelzia told us at sch she ask Waikian wad he scared the most.
he sae dun hav.
Benny suddenly cum beside waikian and sae,
I most scared de is Huiying.
wahahas. :)
Thursday, September 18, 2008
The pool with shelter. :)

The Baby pool. :)

Dunno wad is this fer. :)

The slider. :)

went sch todaes. Fun. cos F&N teacher nv cum. if not we wil hav to copy alots of note. hees. :) we was play True & Dare in the class, while teacher did't cum. play with, Donovan, Benny & Daniel. Zhiyong, Ivan & Ramadan. and ofcos Chelzia & Huiying. :)
Dare. ii was being dare to sae I love you to Santosh. & ii did it. :) actually at first ii was being dare to sae Quack quack quack. Cos Donovan name is Donovan Quack. but dun hav. Chelzia was being dare to touch/ make messy varan hair fer 5sec. actually she was being dare to sae I love you to Tammi wors. but dun hav. Donovan was being dare to do Duck walk & sae Quack quack quack. he did it. Ramadan being dare to sae I love you to Julianti. he did it. Ivan was being dare to walk around the class and sae some sentence whic is not nice. and was being dare to do sth on santosh, whic is oso not nice. he did it.
True. They ask chelzia whether got lyk daniel b4. her ans is No. They ask huiying wad is her most unsuccessful thin she did in life. her ans is Diet not successful. & oso they ask her hu she lyk when she first came into the class. her ans is Benny. Ramadan laugh til sit on the floor. Damm funni. Reli. Huiying ask benny why he attitude so sux. his ans is this is his character and his naturally. They ask ivan why dun wan diet. his ans is Cos he wan strong, dun wan tiny. Nw onli left Benny havn do the dare. the dare is to tel Huiying, I love you. everybody laugh.? dunno. Huiying was being dare to look at Yinghong, when he cum bk frm his D&T class. everybody grab him went he step in the class, when he dunno aniithin. hahas. veri innocent { 无辜 } bahx. hahas. alots of ppl tot that huiying wana kiss yinghong. yinghong dun dare open his eyes. hahas. the funni thin was. Tse xiong sae. Eh. Dun kiss him la. hahas. veri funni. chelzia keep laughin non-stop.
aft sch, went home, prepare. and mit up with Chelzia & Huiying to go swimming. :) we first tyms 3 tgt go swimming wors. we went Sengkang the New swimming pool. at Farmway. huiying lend me her sis de swimming costumers around 5pm start to play til we bath hao everythin til 6plus. :) we play the slide. so scared lor. ii drink the pool water fer 2 tyms. :'( actually ii dun wan play de. but chelzia sae It the first tyms, so jus play. :) and ii did. :) ii even ask huiying to wait fer me at the slide ther wher ii wil slide dwn de. and ii bu xiao xin scratch dao her leg. sorri. :'( then we went to play the twister fer the 1st tyms. huiying play fer the 2nd tyms, again ask her at ther wait me, cos she & chelzia went dwn the slide first. luckily when ii slide dwn ii'm able to balance myself. wo0ts. then ii see wher is huiying. tot she did't wait me, but ii heard chelzia callin huiying name, then ii saw her sitin at the corner ther, then she sae she hit dao her head when slide dwn. she sae veri pain & giddy. then went Baby pool to play fer awhile. me & chelzia play the Water continer whic wil collect water then wil fall on us. :) hees. then aft awhile we jiu go wash up le. Huiying cal her parent, her parent ask her go home. then walk to take LRT. the LRT cum le, Huiying rush in, me & chelzia dun dare rush in. then she go home alone. but she text me sae she is fine. :) then me & chelzia went Compass. ii bought swimming costumers le. :) then bought Sushi with chelzia, jiu went to take bus home le. That al fer the daes. Byebye. :)
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Hees. :)
Finally ii bought it. :)
wo0ts. :)
The video of the student dancing. :)
went sch todaes, assemble took a video of the sec 3 pupils dancing, as they hav learn it on their CIP trip on the other country. :) & then went Mall with Huiying. Finally bought The Body Shop body Strawberry Butter le. aft that went Chelzia hse. giv her a little bit of the Strawberry butter lotion. she teach me Math o. :) then play Audi and O2Jam. :) 7plus jiu went home le. :) That al fer the daes. Byebye. :)
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Before goin out. :)

On the waes to E-Hub.

Cadbury Ferris-wheel ticket. :)

Hohos. :)


QUEENIE, Cynthia. :)

Cynthia, QUEENIE. :)

went sch and headed bk home. prepare and mit up with QUEENIE at Pasir ris interchg, went E-Hub to take Cadbury Ferris-wheel. ii did't not it at first til QUEENIE sae treat me, quite shock. hahas. aft that went to hav French fries at Pasir ris area ther. then went Tampines Mart and 201 N2 shoppin street and then went TM. and get to noe Angle through QUEENIE. :) and bus-ed home soon aft. :) That al fer the daes. Byebye. :)
On the waes to E-Hub.
Cadbury Ferris-wheel ticket. :)

Hohos. :)


QUEENIE, Cynthia. :)

Cynthia, QUEENIE. :)
went sch and headed bk home. prepare and mit up with QUEENIE at Pasir ris interchg, went E-Hub to take Cadbury Ferris-wheel. ii did't not it at first til QUEENIE sae treat me, quite shock. hahas. aft that went to hav French fries at Pasir ris area ther. then went Tampines Mart and 201 N2 shoppin street and then went TM. and get to noe Angle through QUEENIE. :) and bus-ed home soon aft. :) That al fer the daes. Byebye. :)
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