The pool with shelter. :)

The Baby pool. :)

Dunno wad is this fer. :)

The slider. :)

went sch todaes. Fun. cos F&N teacher nv cum. if not we wil hav to copy alots of note. hees. :) we was play True & Dare in the class, while teacher did't cum. play with, Donovan, Benny & Daniel. Zhiyong, Ivan & Ramadan. and ofcos Chelzia & Huiying. :)
Dare. ii was being dare to sae I love you to Santosh. & ii did it. :) actually at first ii was being dare to sae Quack quack quack. Cos Donovan name is Donovan Quack. but dun hav. Chelzia was being dare to touch/ make messy varan hair fer 5sec. actually she was being dare to sae I love you to Tammi wors. but dun hav. Donovan was being dare to do Duck walk & sae Quack quack quack. he did it. Ramadan being dare to sae I love you to Julianti. he did it. Ivan was being dare to walk around the class and sae some sentence whic is not nice. and was being dare to do sth on santosh, whic is oso not nice. he did it.
True. They ask chelzia whether got lyk daniel b4. her ans is No. They ask huiying wad is her most unsuccessful thin she did in life. her ans is Diet not successful. & oso they ask her hu she lyk when she first came into the class. her ans is Benny. Ramadan laugh til sit on the floor. Damm funni. Reli. Huiying ask benny why he attitude so sux. his ans is this is his character and his naturally. They ask ivan why dun wan diet. his ans is Cos he wan strong, dun wan tiny. Nw onli left Benny havn do the dare. the dare is to tel Huiying, I love you. everybody laugh.? dunno. Huiying was being dare to look at Yinghong, when he cum bk frm his D&T class. everybody grab him went he step in the class, when he dunno aniithin. hahas. veri innocent { 无辜 } bahx. hahas. alots of ppl tot that huiying wana kiss yinghong. yinghong dun dare open his eyes. hahas. the funni thin was. Tse xiong sae. Eh. Dun kiss him la. hahas. veri funni. chelzia keep laughin non-stop.
aft sch, went home, prepare. and mit up with Chelzia & Huiying to go swimming. :) we first tyms 3 tgt go swimming wors. we went Sengkang the New swimming pool. at Farmway. huiying lend me her sis de swimming costumers around 5pm start to play til we bath hao everythin til 6plus. :) we play the slide. so scared lor. ii drink the pool water fer 2 tyms. :'( actually ii dun wan play de. but chelzia sae It the first tyms, so jus play. :) and ii did. :) ii even ask huiying to wait fer me at the slide ther wher ii wil slide dwn de. and ii bu xiao xin scratch dao her leg. sorri. :'( then we went to play the twister fer the 1st tyms. huiying play fer the 2nd tyms, again ask her at ther wait me, cos she & chelzia went dwn the slide first. luckily when ii slide dwn ii'm able to balance myself. wo0ts. then ii see wher is huiying. tot she did't wait me, but ii heard chelzia callin huiying name, then ii saw her sitin at the corner ther, then she sae she hit dao her head when slide dwn. she sae veri pain & giddy. then went Baby pool to play fer awhile. me & chelzia play the Water continer whic wil collect water then wil fall on us. :) hees. then aft awhile we jiu go wash up le. Huiying cal her parent, her parent ask her go home. then walk to take LRT. the LRT cum le, Huiying rush in, me & chelzia dun dare rush in. then she go home alone. but she text me sae she is fine. :) then me & chelzia went Compass. ii bought swimming costumers le. :) then bought Sushi with chelzia, jiu went to take bus home le. That al fer the daes. Byebye. :)
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