took at my sch. wahahs.
` Opps. shimei. wad're u doin.?!
wahahas. :)
` dun get angry when u saw it, ok.?
wahahs. :)
first lesson was HCT. dunno why durin HCT lesson, me, shimei, joyce, hiromie al laugh til lyk mad. hiromie was the joker, tellin us a little ger facial expression in the bus, last week when she took bus with joyce & jianping. follow by break tyms, we laugh alots oso, but ii forgotten wad we was laughin abt le. then STS. did't do aniithin durin sts bcos we're busyin collectin our Cutting Kit. wo0ts. :) miss hong dismiss us early, so ii went to buy my sch pant. $17 . :( wanted to buy Pe shirt too, but the yellow colour lyk weird weird de, lyk veri dark, but othe ppl de, veri bright wan. so did't buy, pei shimei & jiajia go smoke, Ofcos ii did't somke la, then got bk fer PCS lesson. :) durin PCS lesson the 4 for us was tired le, no mre laughin le, until lesson end at 4.30pm me, shimei, hazirah & joyce walk to bustop, shimei start the topic again, 猪肝 . wahahas. took 27 to yi-po hse, to giv her alter my pant, ii waited 1hrs outside her hse, cos nobody at home. finally uncle { yi-po husband, ii dunno how ii should address him, so ii sae uncle. :) } cum bk & let me in, shock that he actually noe my name. :) wahahas. :) 7 plus left her hse, went shop & save buy thin jiu bus-ed bk home le. :) weEts. :) &&&& Gary { Zero } asked me whether ii izzit got a cousin cal Alfred durin HCT lesson. and ofcos ii wil be lyk " Huh.? how u noe.? " and he sae he noe lor. and he sae ii got a useless cousin. -_-''' he sae my cousin useless bcos of relationship drink, drank, drunk. -_-''' every guys or gers oso lyk that ma, lyk this veri useless mehs.? -_-''' alright nvm, lets not tok abt this. hahas. was chattin with Gary { Zero } on msn jus nw, chatted quite alots, ii guess. wahahas. ii tink shall be al fer todaes. :) Byebye. :)
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