she is takin my fotos. :)
OMG~ shy.* :)
` wad's shimei lookin at.?
` Ohhs. it a snail. :)
` each person 1 pack. :) wahahas.
` look wad this 2 gers is doin.
` slackin while givin flyer. :)
` while slackin we got nothin to do,
and ii ask shimei & marilyn,
can ii write thin on the flyer. hahas.
so yupps. ii write " Do support us.! :) "
- The Before. -
` & The after. :)
sch start at 8am todaes and not 12pm . PCS did't nothin todaes, jus hlp to put thin in the new lab, then Break. during break tyms Marilyn, shimei and ii went bk hg. wahahas. took bus 31 tgt with sisi group & joyce group to tm . and took 72 to hg mall, went to Alex shop to hlp him giv flyer. b4 givin flyer went to hav Breakfast/Lunch first, then we went plaza de Hellokitty shop, marilyn and ii tot of buyin the Notebook ther aft givin our flyer and pay, the notbook ther is so nice and cute fer us to copy note in sch. ^^ wahahas. :) but dunno why aft our work, we forgotten totally. shimeimei so shag aft givin flyer, due to she did't slp last night, cos she scared she can't wake up in tyms again fer sch. wahahahs. { did ii sae wrong.? hmmm.? } wahahahs. aniiwaes, we earn $10 fer givin flyer fer 2hrs. wahahas. :) Are we silly.? hmmmm.? ii guess we're not. :) aft our work, shimei took 161 bk home, while marilyn and ii took 72 , she went Yio chu kang took train bk home. :) and ii headed bk home. :) huiying called me at 8plus, askin me tml wan go malaysia not, cos she wana buy contact lens. wahahas. rejected her request, cos tml ther wil be sch again, and mayb goin fer CottonOn interview. ii'm tinkin whether tml wan go sch not. wahahas. it the last daes of sch this week, and lesson start at 11am and probadly end at 3 or 4pm ii tink. shall ii go sch.? hmmmm.? shall stop here fer the daes. Byebye. :)
Cynthia's nick: ` ppl is gettin More and More BOLIAO .
Shimei's nick: AGREE WITH YOU MY DEAR GIRL!!!!
Cynthia's nick: ` ppl is gettin More and More BOLIAO. YEAHYEAH. U SEE, LMM OSO AGREE WITH ME. WAHAHAS ^^v
Shimei's nick: AGREE WITH YOU MY DEAR GIRL!!!! Ofcos i agree with you!!!!!!!!! becos we aint DINASAUR GOODNIGHT!
` Shimei veri cute right. :) wahahas. :)
ii wrote LZG in my msn nick, cos ii wana Entertain shimei,
and ask me, who is LZG.
ii sae is you la, Lim Zhu Gan. she tot ii write Lao Zhu Gan,
OHMY. make me laugh til ii dunno how to sae. wahahas. :)
and she cal me Ximtia. sound lyk machiam in Hokkien Heartpain.
wahahas. :) hav fun chattin with her. :)
` aniiwaes, ii update new song in my Playlist again. :)
Enjoy. :)
although ii might not understand Thai song,
but it has got alots of 感情 and meanin in it. :)
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