went work, aft work, went compass point to mit cousin to pass him camera had dinner tgt, bus-ed home aft that. late in the night, around 2plus or 3plus, ii went to mit a guys whic ii noe him frm tagged. coincidentally he stay hg too, study in simei too. singapore is so small, yea.? hmmm, yupp, so mit him at ting hse dwn stair, he sae onli he and his kor, but dunno why end up got a total of 8guys and ii'm the onli 1 ger, ehh, dun tink wrong, ii hav huiting & co accompany as well, but they did't join me to go rounding with them. actually ii dunno they hav 8guys ii tot onli 2 person end up ii saw 4 person, ting's frens asked them whether they got how mani ppl, they sae they got othe group of frens they whic is 4 person ther. OMG~ ii was totally shock, so whic mean got 8person. total got 3 car, 1 bike. and yupp, ii went roundin with them. the other group of their frens went off first, and ii did't get to see them oso. wahahas. and end up left with 1 car & 1 bike. and guess hu go with me.? hmmm. happily guessin. :) they intend to go Jalan Kayu to eat, but the guy whic ii noe de kor dunno why drive til Choa chu kang ther. -_-''' power to the max right. hahas. But 1 thin ii mus sae de is They're Friendly. :) so yupp, the onli biker follow us. hmmm, total we got 5person in the car. went Bukit Panjang with them, sit dwn and chill with them at 1 of the Coffee shop. wahahas. 5plus 6 we left. 1 of their frens left. so left the 4of us. accompany them to their dua at kallang ther, chill at ther oso. and at that tyms is around 6plus in the mornin le. send the "SOMEONE" home first then follow by they send me home. :) reac home around 7am in the mornin. :)
` late in the night 2plus, 3plus wher everyone is slpin ii went out.
OMG~ :)
but ii quite enjoy myself todaes. :)
` the Someone stil thanks me fer brinin,
him/her out. wahahas. :)
` Thanks Libing fer the concern. :)
hmmm, tink onli she noe wad ii mean bahs.
wahahahas. :)
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