` Pic for the daes. :) Random pic. :) 
hohos. and ii gotta home this mornin 7plus. bath & off to bed at 8plus. wake up 5plus goin 6pm. 10hrs of slp again. wo0ts. -_-''' hmmm, how long can ii enjoys this types of life.? :) hahas.
alright, todaes is sweets first daes of work. hopes everythin goes well & smooth for her, hopes she wont half waes dun wan work. :) hahas. jiayoujiayoujiayou. :) alright, it 8.48pm nw, gonna go bath & prepare and go out soon. yup. mitin up with sweets at cityhall mrt station then train dwn to kallang ltr. { if ther is no changes. } hopes everythin go smooth tonight and no one wil play stun or put us aeroplane again. -_-''' lyk wad sweets sae, we both alwaes the steady wan. :) hahas. :) alright. update again when ii'm bk home. :)
wellwellwell. ii'm here to update again. :) yeayea, no one play spot, play stun, or put us aeroplane this tyms round. :) mit up with sweets at cityhall, train dwn to kallang. mit up with alson. bus-ed to geylang, both of them accompany me to eat. felt veri paiseh eatin alone. wahahas. :) aft eatin, mit up with emson & co. accompany to eat oso. then slack and do nothin ther. 4plus cab-ed bk home with sweets first. :) hohos. its 6.50am nw, reac home long ago, on com & went into alots of blogshop, saw mani pretty thin. wahahas. ii wan get al the pretty stuff.! :) :D wahahas. Randomly. :) alright, jus bath out not long, gotta go slp nw le. stil got work ltr on. ohhsya, aniione wana go Food fare at Expo.? :) wahahas. ask me long, if u're goin alright.? :) shall be al for todaes. Byebye. :)
` ii dunno wad both of u're tinkin. :|sometyms ii'm wonderin/tinkin, wad's the point of meetin up each tym.?wad's the point of meetin up wherby everybody/everyone giv a face,or busy doin own thin-at a corner,
or do nothin ther. humphs. :| :\