kehui called me and pei me chat on the fone til ii reac sch. wahahas. PCS. every grp wil hav to present the Vacation Group Project, jus onli our group did't present, as we're rushin ytd night, and ii was told to send it to miss ang, but dunno why miss ang did't receive. mayb bcos ii did't attached it properly that why did't send out bahs. Mr Eugen Ong was ther too. Joyce grp got 1st price, sisi grp got 2nd, E'era grp got 3rd same goes to Irene grp got 3rd oso. aft PCS, BREAK, marilyn went home, HCT, BREAK, pei shimei go smoke, saw reuel and cheeyang at bustop, they did't went fer LLA lesson, but they goin Jurong point watch movie. whahas. we sae alots of thin, end up they treat us go watch movie, so me & shimei did't attend LLA lesson oso. whahahas.
watch the movie KNOWING. rate it at 6.5/10 bahs. the first half an hrs of the movie ii actually fall aslp. OMG~ shimei mre worse she slp fer 1hrs then wake up, watch the another 1hr. she even slp at my shoulder wherby she oso dunno why. wahahas. :) its not the movie boring or wad, mayb we're jus tired, so jus fall aslp. whahaas. Ohhsya, went we reac Boonlay station that tyms, ii even tel shimei, why not we sit bk to simei again then take train cum bk boonlay again. -_- cos we wan slp in the train. wahahas. ofcos we did't do such a silly thingy la. :) aft moive it around 6.30pm , walk fer a few round, jiu took train bk le,
on the train ii tel shimei the guys hu sit beside me jus nw that indian guys spilt saliva on the floor, dunno wad happen to her ear to heard that ii sae 屁股水 { ass water } , wherby ii sae PUI 口水 { Pui saliva } . -_- frm jurong east she can laugh until woodland. -_- and she even ask me a stupid ques, ass got water mehs.? -_-''' yeayea, so ii took train til AMK, wanted to go find huiting as she's workin ther, but she did't ans my cal, so jiu bus-ed bk home. :) korkor sae the KNOWING he watch aready, he sae first 1hrs veri nice to watch, endin 1hrs not nice to nice. wahahahahas.
OHHSYA, korkor frens bought him a Lacoste Polo shirt as a bdaes gift. ii promise korkor to buy him a Ralph Lauren polo fer his bdaes, til nw ii stil havn get it fer him. :( ii wan 1 too. :) wahahas. alright, it 5am nw, and ii'm stil not aslp yet, as ii jus redo finish the vacation project not long, hope miss ang wil stil wan to see it. :)
` Reality is scary ; Face Reality baby. ` ppl tend to ka ur lanjiaowei when u dun tink they wil.beware of this kind of FRENS/TWO HEADED SNAKE. CB, wan ka lanjiaowei, jiu ka the truth la,dun keep at ther ka lanjiaowei whic is not truth la. wan ka, ka infront of her oso la, why ka her lanjiaoweibehind her sia, Do 1 thin, sae 1 thin. -_-'''Dulans de lei, got so mani jiaowei fer u to ka uh.?ka ur kuku bird la. kuku no bird. -_-the mre lanjiaowei u ka, the mre u gonna lost ur reputation,yet not my frens. :)NBCB. Angry wan lei. Fcuk. *
` you nv fail to make me smile each daes. :)
everybody is slpin lyk pig nw, including you ii tink. :)
wahahas. :)