reac home this mornin 6plus, the feelin of bein drunk was sucky. reac home straight lie on the sofa, ther is Theory TEST todaes, but ii'm in this stage.
wad's happenin to me, skip sch recently, exma did't attend. OHHSGOSH. wed ther is permin practical hopefully ii wont late or skip sch, if not onli can get 50% of the mark. when ii wake up jus nw ii was on my own bed, couldn't rmb how ii got myself to bed,
my fone got alots of miss cal and text, most of its was frm sisi. miss ang called me, my hse but no one ans, called my grandma hse and told her, ii got exam but ii did't attend. OMG~ miss ang text me, sayin she wan see me tml during colourin lesson and ii gonna do the theory exam, no mre 3rd chance. bring bk the old self, the old cynthia that go sch regularly, the old cynthia that won't, won't attend exam. skipping sch wasn't my life. arghs. its the last tyms. pls. gonna do HSO project nw. hopfully can be done by todaes, someone hlp me with it can.? wasn't veri gud in powerpoint.
Editedfinally done with the powerpoint thingy. sisi sae is short and simple, hopefully lyk this can bahs. lyk so lousy, so weird.
sweets jio-ed to go tm, town and oasis. actually meetin her at town but project wasn't done, so didn't go, oasis she jio to go, dun intend to go at first actually as tml got retest, scared over slept again, but she sae they won't stay long as ther is work for them tml oso, was tinkin aniithin lor, but mum and brother stopped me frm goin out, sound so weird uh, mum added in lots of salt and vinegar. -_-'''
so did't go aniiwaes, stay at home for the whole daes. :) mayb its a gud thin aniiwaes, cos ii'm sort off broke nw. wahahas. jus ring up sweets, they're stil at dwn stair havn yet go. wow. they gonna stay til veri late uh, half waes on the fone with her, her fone hang dwn, cal bk but its off, so weird of her fone. wahahas.
ohhsya, my barbell seems lyk rustyrusty lyk that the feelin, sweets oso got the feelin that the barbell is rusty. hmmm, why izzit lyk that. izzit lyk wad sisi sae its healin that why got this feelin. aniione anii idea.? feel lyk chgin the barbell but jus pierce few daes bk onli, heard frm sweets, darling pierce her tongue her ownself. OMG~ . alright, its 1.52am nw, ii'm turnin in soon. night ppl. :) that al for the daes. Byebye. :)
` tml retest onli got 50% of the marks. OMG~ :( blame ownself then. wish me gud luck for tml exam. :) cheers. :)