年初四.!went sch at 8am todaes, wher lesson start at 1pm todaes, cos last week we skipped lesson without an MC that why we nid to do duty and reac sch so early. and ii took cab to sch todaes, cos ii wake up at 6.20am instead of 5.20am. -_-''' so ya, had breakfast first then cai took cab la. wahahas. longbang shimei & her frens to sch, cos they are at tm aready, somemre ii'm doin duty tgt with shimei. :) opps. ii said Shimei again, she sae cal her Meimei instead of Shimei cos sound lyk Simei. wahahas. she tink til veri far right. wahahas. :) she sae if ii cal her Shimei, she gonna cut 1 length haircut fer me. :(
cab fare was $18.90 . :( waste money again. :( well, duty fer us was veri relax, u noe wad.? me & meimei was asked to hlp out 1 of the yr 2 ger in the Hair fashion Design Interview fer April Intake, al we nid to do ther was, sit at ther, check report card of the interviewer and tick if they attend the interview. veri relax right. wahahas. :) leave at around 12pm to hav our lunch, meimei accompany her frens,
while me & hiromie go Campus cafe to look fer Huiying & Chelzia. :) OMG~ lyk veri long nv saw the both of them le. wahahas. :) start to hav my lunch at around 12.45pm left with 15mins to order and finish my food, while hiromie onli buy drink. luckily stil got enough tyms to eat. :)
had STS lesson, Miss Hong wanted to check if we got hlp our partner to wash their hair properly not and wan us show her the step to wash hair, then she suddenly ask me, 你有学过啊.? quite shock that she suddenly ask me this ques, and ii sae, ya, 你又懂, 看得出啊.? wahahas, and she sae mus follow the step that they teach, ii'm followin ma. -_-''' wahahas. miss hong release us earlier todaes & the last lesson was PCS, miss robinson took our class todaes, copy note and tel her our name & we cal go home. :)
at bus saw Jasmine. :) while headin home, she get dwn at Mall, and she tap on my shoulder, tellin me she is gettin dwn the bus aready, ask me dun slp le, goin reac my stop le. wahahas. she is so kind la. :) mus reli thanks her, if not ii dunno if ii wil over stop not. wahahas. Thanks Jasmine. :) reac home bath & watch 心花朵朵开. OMG~ the show make me tears. wahahas. :) aft the show, cook thin to eat, then watch tv, then watch 团圆饭. the show is nice. :) and so here ii'm bloggin nw. it 12.21am nw. ii'm lazy to upload foto, wil upload it soon. :) and ii'm feelin slpy, gonna go slp nw, tml wil be wakin up at 5plus.? then mit Chelzia to go sch tgt. hohos. :)